Kaye O'Neill
Life Coaching & Personal Training

About Me - Kaye O'Neill
My Story -
I joined my first gym in 1986 (aged 25) mainly to do aerobics (now called group fitness). I would walk past the weights room on the way to my aerobics class and see girls and guys lifting weights and started to think, "thats looks like a challenge - I could do that". So, I did my first weights program at Les Mills in Hamilton, under the guidance of the gym instructors (no such thing as personal trainers back then) and won my first bodybuilding competition in 1989.
I became a gym instructor in 1990 and developed a passion for helping people with training, nutrition and dieting, specialising in the sport of bodybuilding. I have evolved with the fitness industry and have continued to help people achieve their goals while realising mine.
I loved and still do love weight training and have achieved many personal goals over the years including Overall Pan Pacific, Overall Oceania and a number of Overall National titles, 2 World Championship and a couple of international events.
Over the years I have worked with many women and men in helping them achieve their goals, whether it be competition, weight loss or muscle gains and what I have learnt from these years of experience is;
"It is more important to love myself for what I have, rather than try and fit into some unrealistic ideal image"
This has been the driving force behind me wanting to help women in particular find a good relationship between food, training, life and body image. Learning to live life now, believing in yourself and trusting the process.
I believe with commitment and determination you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Everyone starts somewhere.
Now's Good!
“If you focus on results, you will never change.
If you focus on change,
you will get results.”
~Jack Dixon
CALL ME : 027 292 3072